As part of the Virtual Reality for Science & Education course, the student team consisting of Gosse Mol, Roos Hoefnagel and Han Lie collaborated with Naturalis and created DinoZapp. This video shows a preview of the first prototype:
This Virtual Reality game is played with 2 players and aims to let children gain skills required for the classification of animals. Player 1 wears an Oculus Rift and encounters different dinosaurs on an alien planet. Player 2 doesn’t see the world player 1 sees, but does have access to a tablet app with information about different dinosaurs. The challenge is to identify which dinosaur player 1 has encountered, by careful collaboration. Player 2 has to ask the right questions to distinguish the species from other similar species; player 1 has to give a precise description of the most important characteristics. After this process, player 2 enters the right settings in the tablet, which is then synced with the settings of player 1’s Z.A.P.P.E.R. If the settings are correct, the dino can be zapped back the right time period on Earth.
Funded by Naturalis and the VR Learning Lab the student team further develops this project and do research on its learning effects.