At the end of May 2023 we were approached by NOLAI (National Education Lab AI). Starting September 2024 we have been a consortium partner of the NOLAI and are taking on the development work for one of their 7 pilot projects: ‘Increasing vocabulary through rich context‘. From the NOLAI website:
Increasing vocabulary through rich context
#primary_education #equal_opportunity
Together with Flores schools, we are researching whether virtual reality and AI can increase the vocabulary of preschoolers with educational disadvantages. VR could allow preschoolers at school to actively experience new contexts, such as mountains or dunes. AI could facilitate naturalistic interactions between a child and a virtual companion. What does such an experience require of the students and how can it contribute to their vocabulary development?
Language delays are best prevented at a young age, hence the school choice to concentrate on children aged 5-6 years. They see a lot of potential in using Virtual Reality to create a rich context so that language can gain more meaning. Understandable, but we are also quite tentative to work with VR headsets with such a young target group!
All partners are aware of the risks that Virtual Reality can entail. But at the same time, the benefits of this project for equal opportunities can be so great that we think it is worth investigating whether we can use this technology in a responsible manner.
We also see potential in immersive rooms in the classroom. We are experimenting with such setups for use in education. Above, you can see a video of our very first experiment.
However, in this this project we will focus on an application for VR headsets, because the immersive effects will be stronger and this type of application is more scalable.
Learning with Artificial Intelligence
AI plays an important role in this project and will be used in the software in various ways. We think the most exciting form is enabling conversation between the child and the ‘AI tutor’. Practicing your language in a rich context under expert guidance is extremely valuable for children’s language development. However, because a teacher has to divide his or her attention among thirty students, this important learning time is always limited.
However, speech recognition for children with language delays in a busy classroom is a huge technical challenge. In this project we will investigate what the possibilities are and whether we can make this useful for our objectives in a smart way.
We are looking forward to this three-year project!
Featured image: ‘ai generated beach world with sand castle and bucket and shovel water paint style’ by Bing.